Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Lead Feet and Stone Arms

Memorial day gave me more time to sleep. It almost seemed like a bad idea.

Because I typically stay up to write, I end up getting less sleep than the average population, and that only works out sometimes, not all the time. This leads me to spend the days off sleeping, which produces a bit of a lazy sort of mindset. It seems that I can still pull myself to the gym...but when I do, it becomes a leadfoot session, the most difficult session in the world.

Then to add insult to injury, I do one of the harder workouts I can think of.

10 2-hand swings
10 1-hand swings
10 front racked squats
1 reverse lunge
swing pass and repeat

The whole thing again for a second set, after resting.

Then we broke apart this set:

 20 goblet squats
20 2-hand high pulls
10 1-hand high pulls
5 single hand snatches
5 double snatches
10 goblet squats/15 second holds in between a high, box, and bottom squat/10 more goblet squats
20 chest presses with leg extension (thanks Pat Flynn for killing us with this set)

As I threw the bell up above my head, I could only think of how heavy I felt throughout the entire set, but I still kept pulling another and another until I found a definite stopping point: the dizzies. On the plus side, Vita Coco has this delicious orange flavored coconut water. It at least tasted amazing during and after that grueling workout.

Only 4 more days until the HKC!! I swung with no gloves yesterday, in an attempt to make sure that I could do it. I was most successful...but I don't think I'll do much swinging without gloves this week, just because I will build callouses yet again. I've got to give them the lemon, pumice and cocoa butter scrub tonight. So excited and maybe a little bit nervous. The idea of tonight's pull up session is staring me down right now.

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